Dean School of Social Sciences
University of Kashmir
Dean: 0194-227-2231
Dean's Message
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Library and Information Science
Media Education Research Centre
Political Science
Shah-i-Hamadan Institute of Islamic Studies
Social Work
Institute of Kashmir Studies
Research Centres
Centre for Womens Studies & Research
Shaikh-ul-Aalam Centre for MultiDisciplinary Studies
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Statutes Governing PhD Programme
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Orders / Circulars
Clarification on award of PhD Degree
Students Support
Kashmir Journal of Social Sciences
Library and Information Science
Media Education Research Centre
Political Science
Shah-i-Hamadan Institute of Islamic Studies
Social Work
Institute of Kashmir Studies
Centre for Womens Studies and Research
Centre of Central Asian Studies
Shaikh-ul-Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies
Ph.D. Admission Notification- 2024 Cycle II; Dated: 19-2-2025
Revised Interview Notice- Contractual Assistant Professors - 2025; Dated: 12-2-2025
Interview Notice- Contractual Assistant Professors - 2025; Dated: 5-2-2025
Ph.D. Admission Notification- 2024 Cycle II in the Department of History, Political Science, Social Work (MSW), Sociology and Shah-i-Hamadan Institute of Islamic Studies; Dated: 9-1-2025
Ph.D. Admission Notification- 2024 Cycle II; Dated: 7-1-2025
Ph.D. Admission Notification- 2024 Cycle II; Dated: 7-1-2025
Ph.D. Admission Notification, Dated:- 29-10-2024; Dated: 29-10-2024
Invitation for Seminar Proposals 2024-25; Dated: 2-9-2024
Coursework Datesheet-2024; Dated: 23-8-2024
Notice regarding E-office file; Dated: 12-8-2024
Provisional Selection List of Ph.D. Candidates (Session- 2024); Dated: 24-6-2024
Regarding Assigning Supervisors/Co-Supervisors for Ph.D. Programme; Dated: 10-6-2024
Online Outreach and Awareness for the SWAYAM Programme by UGC-Sharing of PPT and course details for wider publicity.; Dated: 30-5-2024
Call for Papers - Kashmir Journal of Social Sciences; Dated: 1-5-2024
Circular Regarding Ph.D. Admission-2024; Dated: 21-5-2024
Regarding Interaction for Ph.D. Admission-2023-24; Dated: 21-5-2024
Regarding Minutes of the Pre-BROS meeting of Shaikh-ul-Aalam Centre for Multidisplinary Studies; Dated: 3-5-2024
This is for the information of all the contributors of "Kashmir Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.11(2023) that the copy of Journal has been dispatched on their mentioned Address. However , They can also collect a copy of the same from office of Dean School of Social Science,; Dated: 2-5-2024
The Pre-BORS meeting of Shaikh-ul-Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies held on May 2nd, 2024, to finalize and recommend the syopses of research scholars with in the school for the placement of the same before the upcoming meeting of BORS.; Dated: 2-5-2024
Regarding Minutes of the Pre-BROS Meeting; Dated: 1-5-2024
Notification for admission to Ph.D. programme-2024; Dated: 30-4-2024
Regarding collection of creatives on Voters Awareness etc to reiterate the importance of every vote etc among the public.; Dated: 29-4-2024
Regarding Updating of Departmental Website and other information related to various NAAC Criterias; Dated: 25-4-2024
Letter Regarding Course Work Examination; Dated: 25-4-2024
The Pre-BORS meeting held on April 16th, 2024, to finalize and recommend the syopses of research scholars with in the school for the placement of the same before the upcoming meeting of BORS.; Dated: 18-4-2024
List of Eligible Candidates for the Engagement of Contractual Lectures- Department of Political Science; Dated: 28-3-2024
Fresh interview notice for the engagement of Contractual Lecturers in the Department of Political Science for the academic session - 2024; Dated: 28-3-2024; Dated: 28-3-2024
Interview Notice for the Contractual Lecturers-2024 of the School of Social Sciences; Dated: 6-2-2024
Public Administration Entrance Test-2023 Syllabus; Dated: 11-8-2023
Date sheet notice for the Course Work Examination-2023; Dated: 21-7-2023
Interview Notice regarding engagement of Contractual Lecturers in the subject of Anthropology and Womens Studies.; Dated: 27-6-2023
Academic Score of the candidates who have applied for the engagement of Contractual Lecturer in the Centre of Women’s Studies & Research; Dated: 16-6-2023
Academic Score of candidates who have applied for the engagement of Contractual Lecturer in the subject of Anthropology.; Dated: 8-6-2023
Postponement of interview for the engagement of Contractual Lecturers in the Shaikh ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies; Dated: 3-4-2023
Revised interview notice for the engagement of contractual lecturers in the Department of Sociology; Dated: 28-3-2023
Postponement of interview for the engagement of Contractual Lecturers in the Department of Sociology; Dated: 25-3-2023
Academic points of the candidates who applied for the Contractual Lecturers in the Department of Political Science for the Academic Arrangement - 2023; Dated: 20-3-2023
Admission Notification No. 02 for PG and other (Professional and Non-Professional) programmes session-2023; Dated: 15-3-2023
Academic Score of the candidates who applied for the Contractual Lecturers for the Academic Arrangement – 2023 within School of Social Sciences; Dated: 15-3-2023
Interview notice for engagement of the Contractual Lecturers, Session-2023 in the School of Social Sciences; Dated: 14-3-2023
Entrance Test Notice for Ph.D. Programmes session-2022; Dated: 28-11-2022
List of Candidates for the Engagement of Contractual Lecturers-2022 in the Anthropology(IKS); Dated: 30-8-2022
Interview notice for engagement of the Contractual Lecturers in the Anthropology (IKS); Dated: 30-8-2022
XLVI Indian Social Science Congress, Focal Theme; Dated: 28-7-2022
Provisional Admission of Candidates to PhD programme in the discipline of Library & Information Science and Social Work; Dated: 21-7-2022
Date sheet notice for the Course Work Examination-2022; Dated: 8-7-2022
List of Candidates who applied for the engagement of Contractual Lecturers in the Centre for Women’s Studies & Research (Gender Studies); Dated: 8-7-2022
Interview notice for engagement of the Contractual Lecturers in the Womens Studies & Research (Gender Studies); Dated: 5-7-2022
Admit Card For P.G. Entrance Test-2022; Dated: 20-6-2022
Centre Notice of P.G Entrance Test-2022; Dated: 20-6-2022
updated date sheet of Kashmir University Entrance Test-2022; Dated: 16-6-2022
List of Candidates for the Engagement of Contractual Lecturers-2022 in Islamic Studies and Shaikh ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies; Dated: 15-4-2022
Department-wise List of Eligible Candidates for the Engagement of Contractual Lecturers-2022; Dated: 12-4-2022
Interview notice for engagement of the Contractual Lecturers in the P.G Department of Archaeology.; Dated: 12-4-2022
Interview notice for the engagement of Contractual Lecturers in the School of Social Sciences.; Dated: 11-4-2022
Three minutes Thesis Competition presented by School of Languages, Department of English, Central University of Jammu; Dated: 11-4-2022
Interview notice for the engagement of Contractual Lecturers in the P.G Department of Sociology.; Dated: 28-3-2022
Advertisement Notice-II For Engagement of Contractual Lecturers for the Academic Arrangement-2022; Dated: 3-3-2022
Corrigendum to Advertisement Notice of even No. dated 09.02.2022; Dated: 11-2-2022
Advertisement Notice-I for Engagement of Contractual Lecturers for the Academic Arrangement-2022; Dated: 10-2-2022
Course work examination-2021 result notification of Sociology; Dated: 6-12-2021
Course work examination-2021 result notification of Library & Information Science; Dated: 16-11-2021
Course work examination-2021 result notification of CCAS; Dated: 16-11-2021
Course work examination-2021 result notification of MERC; Dated: 10-11-2021
Course work examination-2021 result notification of IKS; Dated: 10-11-2021
Course work examination-2021 result notification of Social Work; Dated: 10-11-2021
Course work examination-2021 result notification of Islamic Studies; Dated: 10-11-2021
Course work examination-2021 result notification of Political Science; Dated: 10-11-2021
Course work examination-2021 result notification of History; Dated: 10-11-2021
Date sheet notice of Course Work Examination-2021; Dated: 14-9-2021
ICSSR Fellowship scheme; Dated: 3-8-2021
Reminder-I regarding Course work Syllabus; Dated: 8-7-2021
Reminder-I regarding information of research projects and scholarships; Dated: 22-6-2021
Information regarding research projects and scholarships; Dated: 9-6-2021
Notice regarding Publication of Kashmir Journal of Social Sciences; Dated: 15-4-2021
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